Butcher Babies
Take it like a Man / USA 2016 Tour
Butcher Babies autograph's
I attended the Butcher Babies concert in Colorado Springs on 3/18/2016 to check out all the hype I have been hearing about this band the last few years. I arrive at about 5:30 on a cold Colorado evening to find a line of about 30 people waiting...wow hard core for COS! Doors open at 6:30 and show at 7:00 with 3 opening bands. First up, Nova Crown then Fall from Silence and finally Seven Days Lost.
Butcher Babies took the stage at about 9:40. This band is really intense with two beautiful female women ( Heide & Carla ) fronting the band. The 3 piece band consisting of Guitar (Henry), Bass ( Jason ) and Drums ( Chris ) was really, really good!!
Congratulations to Sunshine Studios on their 8th Anniversary!! You can visit them here
Road Crew arrives
Butcher Babies Live
National Bloody Anthem The Butcher
Jesus Needs more babies for his War Machine
Monster's Ball
Dead Man Walking
Blood Soaked Hero
Thrown Away
Their Coming to take me away
I Smell a Massacre
The Deathsurround
Axe Wound
Heidi Shepherd kicks off the show
Carla Harvey
Guitarist Henry Flury
The very good Drummer Chris Warner
Bassist Jason Klein
Heidi & Carla
Meet & Greet
I was able to attend the Meet & Greet after their set and it lasted about an hour. This was a real great M & G! The band spent time with each person, signed and took a group photo. After the signing they did a spelling game with us and hung out for about 20 minutes chatting and taking photos.
Pictures from the "GREAT" Meet & Greet!!
MJM with Heidi
MJM with Carla
MJM with Chris
MJM with Jason
MJM with Henry
That's a Wrap!
The Devil Cut Me Off / USA 2022 Tour
The Black Sheep / Colorado Springs, Colorado / 8/28/2022
The MJM Experience
The Show
michaeljmcgee.com videos:
Jesus Needs More Babies for His War Machine
Gravemaker / It's Killin' Time, Baby
They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! / Igniter
The Uncured opens and are very good
Butcher Babies Live!
Set List
These girls are intense!
Butcher Babies Meet & Greet
michaeljmcgee.com video: Butcher Babies Meet & Greet Butcher Babies Meet & Greet 2
The entire band attended & were very friendly and personable with all us fans.
MJM with Bassist Ricky Bonazza
MJM with Drummer Chase Brickenden
MJM with Guitarist Henry Flurry
That's a wrap