Mt Columbia 14,078   35th highest out of 53

West Slopes

July 20, 2019

I left the North Cottonwood Trailhead at 3:15 am and summited at 8:30 am. I was back at my Truck at 12:15 pm.

Guide book say 12 miles RT but my IPhone checked in at 15.7 RT!

A beautiful day on this peak with no wind at the summit.

Trail was great up to 11,000'. The CFI has been working on a new trail up to the ridge but it is currently not complete.

Visit the CFI here:

The road to the trail head is extremly busy and noisy. I tried to car camp at a pull-out near the road and cars were coming up and down the road til about midnight.

The MJM experience

Heading to the Mt Columbia Trailhead

Car camping near the very noisy road!

MJM with Blaze on the trail at 3:15

Summit from 11,000

Snow field

MJM photos on the way to the Summit

Hiker at the Summit

MJM nearing the Summit

MJM at the Summit

MJM summit Video here: MJM at the Summit

MJM Summit shots

That's a Wrap!