Mt Sherman 14,036 45th highest of Colorado's 53 14ers
I started this route at 4 am and was back at my truck at 9 am. I had to do some unforeseen route finding in the dark
which added some mileage and time to my route but eventually I did get back on track.
A very nice hike passing all the old mining operations and a great ridge climb to the long summit point.
Please remember this area is on private property. Obey ALL signs, rules and regulations!! Thanks!!
Car camping at 11,800. I was concerned that there would be no camping near the trailhead (or in my case Car Camping) on a
4th of July Holiday weekend but at it turned out, I was the only one there. Sweet!
My destination, upper right
Lets do it!
Pre-dawn, 4:15
5:00 / nearing the snow field
Gemini Peak 13,951
Cornice on the ridge
6:00 / shot looking north from on the cornice ridge
Southwest Ridge
Carin on the ridge
Looking south from the ridge
Looking back down at the cornice ridge
Looking up at the false (which I would soon be well aware of) summit
Heading towards the true summit
Summit shots!
The kid, per usual the first one up!! July 4, 2011
Heading down after a 1/2 hour on the summit: 7:40
Hiker coming up the ridge (in red above the c in mcgee )
Another climber I pass on the way down
Yet another set of climbers coming up the snowfield an I descend
Some shots of the old mining operations as I head down
My beautiful red tuck(w/topper) awaits me
First one up! First one down!
Two last shots as I head home to the Springs
That's a wrap!