Welcome to my PA
(Paul Allen) Page, The Voice of the Vikings.
Also some of the KFAN associates are included here for good measure.
Love his show and play by play calls! All remotes listed here are in the Great state of Minnesota.
MJM with PA at Joe Sensers Bloomington / KFAN remote, November 2002
Joe Senser (C) of Sensers sports bars talks with PA (L) 2002 season
w/ Joe Senser at his great Bloomington location Senser's 11/05
PA (third from right) talks with Head Coach Mike Tice in the 2003 season
KFAN's Color man Pete Berich upper (L) talks with NY Giants assistant Coach Tom "Outta of jobby" Olividatti
Pete # 56 is just above #14 QB Brad Johnson Vikings @ Buccaneers 10/13/96
Pete (far left) breaks the group huddle Vikings @ Buccaneers 10/13/96
Head Coach Dennis Green w/ Pete on the right. Vikings @ Buccaneers 10/13/96
Metrodome Plaza West 2004 season
PA talks with Tice 2004
KFAN's Ace sideline reporter Greg Coleman (upper R) chats on the field
Greg Coleman on the right
KFAN's Vikings Live Senser Bloomington 11/2004. Punter Darrin Bennett, .com tom (Tom Pelissero) and PA
With "The MAN" PA
w/ PA at Sensers Bloomington, KFAN remote 11/28/05
Joe Anderson (L), P.A. & Greg Coleman 10/30/06
KFAN's Vikings game day 9/9/07
PA flanked by Greg Coleman (L)
(L-R) Greg Coleman, PA & Joe Anderson
PA talks with Greg Coleman
KFAN's Sideline reporter Greg Coleman walks across the field as Childress talks with MNF's Andrea Kremer. 11/2008
PA with Muss (L) and Greg Coleman
PA signs
50th Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Savage 12/30/2011
Check out the Remote here: Bears @ Vikings 1/1/2012
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Apple Valley 9/9/2012
Check out the Remote here: Jaguars @ Vikings 9/9/2012
(L-R) Mike Wobshall (obstructed) PA & Pete Berchich
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Crystal 12/30/2012
Check out the Remote here: Packers at Vikings 10/2/2009
Wembley Stadium / London England
Check out the London game here
PA with Mike Wobshall
PA with QB Christain Ponder
PA with MVP Adrian Peterson
Sideline Ace Greg Coleman
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Eagan 12/13/2013
Check out the Remote here: Eagles @ Vikings 12/15/2013
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Minneapolis 9/12/2014
Check out the Remote here: Patriots @ Vikings 9-14-2014
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Elk River 12-18-2015
I arrive at BWW at 7am and I am the 10th person in line. It was about 12 degrees that cold Minnesota morning. The doors opened at 8am.
Veronica arrives to set-up the Feast.
Visit entire trip here: Bears @ Vikings 12/20/2015
There was about 100 people waiting to get in!
Here we go, the KFAN Friday Football Feast from 9 to noon!
PA & Charch
Paul Charchian
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Canhassen / 9-7-2018
Visit my entire Minnesota trip here:49ers @ Vikings 9-9-2018
MJM Friday Football Feast Videos
MJM with PA
Former Vikings Punter Mitch Berger makes an appearance
MJM's Video PA, Charch & Mitch Berger
Vikings Former LB Chad Greenway makes an appearance
MJM's VideoPA, Charch & Chad Greenway
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Edina / 4/2016
NFL Draft 2016 visit entire page here: Minnesota Vikings 2016 NFL Draft Party
Your host's Paul Allen & Paul Charchian
Vikings OC Norv Turner makes an appearance
Vikings #1 Pick Laquan Treadwell
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Savage / 12-14-2018
Visit my entire Minnesota trip here: Dolphins @ Vikings 12-16-2018
MJM Friday Football Feast Videos
Friday Football Feast with PA & Charch
Friday Football Feast with Chad Greenway
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, St Paul. 10/17/2019
Visit my entire Minnesota trip here: Redskins @ Vikings 10/24/2019
MJM Videos
PA & Nordo Friday Football Feast / St Paul / Segmet 1
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Monticello. 10/3/2021
Visit my entire Minnesota trip here: Browns @ Vikings 10/3/2021
MJM Videos
Chad Greenway makes an appearance at the Feast
Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings, Lakeville 12/10/2021
Visit my entire Minnesota trip here: Steelers @ Vikings 12/9/2021
MJM Friday Football Feast videos
Former Vikings Linebacker #52 Chad Greenway makes at the Friday Football Feast!
VEN's Gabe Henderson makes an appearance
PA visits the Rubes
KFAN's Friday Football Feast @ Buffalo Wild Wings / Plymouth 12/16/2022
Visit my entire Minnesota trip here
michaeljmcgee.com video: KFAN Friday Football Feast Plymouth
Your KFAN hosts PA & Charch
Former Vikings LB Chad Greenway makes an appearance
Friday Football Feast 9/8/2023 • Buffalo Wild Wings • Oakdale, Minnesota
michaeljmcgee.com video: Friday Football Feast 9/8/2023
Visit my entire Minnesota trip Here
Per usual, I'm the first one there...
PA does a FOX9 intro
Your hosts PA & Charch
Former Vikings LB Chad Greenway makes an appearance
Former Vikings DB Jeff Wright makes an appearance
MJM with Jeff Wright
VEN's Gabe Henderson makes an appearance
Friday Football Feast 12/6/2024 • Buffalo Wild Wings • Savage, Minnesota
Visit the my entire Minnesota trip here: Falcons @ Vikings 12/8/2024
SHELLS Eden Prairie / KFAN's Nine to Noon remote with PA & Nordo.
michaeljmcgee.com video: Great state of Minnesota Part 1
Vikings WR Trishton Jackson joins
Vikings LB Blake Cashman joins
The Feast
michaeljmcgee.com in the
Former Vikings LB Chad Greenway joins
Your hosts PA & Charch
The Athletic's Alec Lewis joins
PA & Charch autographs