Guesstar   1987

I left Rosetta Stone to join my old band mates Lyle and Kirk to join this disaster. I joined because it was an all original music band. After playing most if not all of my time playing covers I was ready to try just an original band. Everything seemed to be in place. Good players, a monster PA and light show and all originals. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to me there were behind the scenes issues going on with Charles. After 2 months this version of this band was done. So Kirk, Lyle, Alex and I decided to go on in a cover band, so we did. Which we named 7 Heaven.

Charles Knight   Lead Vocals    

Kirk Richards    Guitar/vocals   Kirk Richards

Alex McGhee   Guitar/vocals   

Lyle Lingle       Bass/vocals   Lyle Lloyd Lingle

Mike Shaw       Keyboards

Michael J McGee  Drums

Ralph Buck    Sound

We held a concert with a contest to name the band, quite a few people showed up.

Above Harry Hodes (front) was the Master of Ceremonies. Me behind the kit, Charles is 2nd left from Harry, Alex warms up behind the person to the left of Charles.

Ralph with Yvonne and Charles who stop by 36 West to see 7 Heaven  1987